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Listing by

Banking & Finance
Executive Recruiting
Financial Services
Real Estate
Other Services & Professions

Office: (310)453-9400
Fax: (310)453-1187
Home: (818)995-3552
Homepage: http://www.sjaccounting.com
E-Mail: mjosephson@sjaccounting.com
Josephson, Martin L.
Stonefield Josephson Accountancy Corp.
1620 26th Street, Suite 400S
Santa Monica, CA 90404 |
PROFILE: Accountants/Consultants to privately owned,
middle-market companies consisting of mftrs, importers, jobbers, retailers of diversified
prod/serv. Industries include: jewelry, apparel, textile, furniture, fasteners, machinery,
entrtnmnt/communications. |
Cost Management Consulting - Mid-Sized to Small
Businesses Office: (405) 298-6658, Fax: (405) 298-6658
Home: (405) 298-5335
E-Mail: JSA51a@aol.com |
Kinsler, Robert A.
Cost Management Accountant
Cost Management Accounting Consultant
Rt 1, Box 8750
Antlers, OK 74523-9757 |
Profile: Cost Management Consulting for
public or privately held, in any industry, service or government enity. Experted in
Activity Based Cost analysis and Management, on a negotiable hourly fee plus contract. For
an inadequate or misleading cost system (or no cost system at all) will keep a firm from
becoming great or, worse yet, could cause that firm to fail. |
Management Consulting - Taxation Office: (818)884-2955 Fax: (818)598-6990
E-Mail: bpearlman@la.gtllp.com
Homepage: http://www.gt.com |
Pearlman, Bob
Grant Thornton LLP
21031 Ventura Blvd., Suite 920
Woodland Hills, CA 91364 |
PROFILE: Full service natl. acctg firm providing
financial statement assurance, taxation & mgmt consulting services to middle market
co's. Specializations include: mfrg&distr, fin. services, exempt organizations, public
co's entrepreneurial & privately held co's. |
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Corporate Office:
(818)584-9600 Fax: (818)584-9699
E-Mail: VSRR59B@prodigy.com
Homepage: http://png.org/pa |
Pumilia, Richard
Attorney At Law
Pumilia & Adamec
199 South Los Robles Avenue, Suite 711
Pasadena, CA 91101-2460 |
Corporate-Litigation Office:
(818)584-9600 Fax: (818)584-9699
E-Mail: VSRR59A@prodigy.com
Homepage: http://png.org/pa |
Adamec, Justene M.
Attorney At Law
Pumilia & Adamec
199 South Los Robles Avenue, Suite 711
Pasadena, CA 91101-2460 |
General Business Office:
(213)621-4000 Fax: (213)625-1832
E-Mail: morganlwyr@aol.com
Homepage: http://png.org/morgan |
Morgan, David
Barton Klugman & Oetting
333 So. Grand Ave., 37th Floor
Los Angeles, CA 90071-1599 |
Real Estate-Corporate Finance Office:
(818)227-0770 Fax: (818)227-0777
Home: (310)204-3978
E-Mail: agunner@mindspring.com
Homepage: http://png.org/gunner |
Gunner, Arlen R. Knopfler & Robertson
21650 Oxnard Street, Suite 500
Woodland Hills, CA 91367 |
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Banking & Finance
Asset Based-Equipment Leasing Office:
(818) 557-5685 Fax: (818) 557-5695
Group: SM1
E-Mail: wbrosnan@wsbank.com
Home Page: http://www.wsbank.com |
Brosnan, Bill
Ancor Finance Inc.
4100 W. Alameda Avenue, Suite 208
Burbank, CA 91505 |
Profile: Business Loans $50,000 to $500,000. Leasing
$5,000 to $100,000. Factoring |
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Advertising Office:
(310)820-1043 Fax: (310)826-1497
E-Mail: SEASONS@gnn.com
Homepage: http://members.gnn.com/seasons/ |
Evans, Clarice
Managing Partner
Seasons Marketing/Advertising
11812 San Vicente Blvd., Suite 210
Los Angeles, CA 90049 |
Compensation & Communications Office: (310)445-4393 Fax: (310)445-4395
E-Mail: 72233.1143@compuserve.com
Homepage: http://www.lipisconsulting.com |
Lipis, Mark R.
Lipis Consulting, Inc.
1355 Westwood Blvd., Suite 208
Los Angeles, CA 90024-4953 |
PROFILE: Compensation, benefits and employee
communications consulting to publicly traded, privately-held, and not-for-profit
organizations. Projects include executive, general and sales compensation; tax-deferred
compensation; and general HR consulting. |
Corp. Reorganization Office:
(310)477-8990 Fax: (310)477-8402
E-Mail: ShrwdPtnrs@Shrwood.com
Homepage: http://shrwood.com |
Pichinson, Martin
Sherwood Partners Inc.
1849 Sawtelle Blvd., Suite 543
Los Angeles, CA 90025 |
PROFILE: Corporate Reorganization, Reengineering,
Workouts, Crisis Management, Asset Liquidation, Court Appointed Receiver, Debt
Restructuring, Refinancing. |
General Management
Office: (310) 578-7412
FAX (310) 822-8819
E-Mail: rmouton@manexgroup.com
HomePage: http://www.manexgroup.com |
Mouton, Ray
The MANEX Group, Inc.
600 Harbor Street, Suite 1
Marina Del Rey, CA. 90291 |
PROFILE: Results-oriented Consulting firm providing
Management Services to companies looking to improve financial performance, operations
effectiveness, market share, productivity, or seeking ways to expand or diversify. |
Marketing Planning Office:
(310) 476-3355 Fax: (310) 471-7721
Group: CC2-SM1
E-Mail: drrevenue@aol.com
Home Page: http://www.drrevenue.com |
Haskell, John
Professional Marketing Group
1700 Mandeville Canyon Road
Los Angeles, CA 90049 |
PROFILE: Marketing/sales plans that work. Dr. Revenue's
unique marketing retreat launches your plan - the results are assured with an
unconditional money back guarantee. Talk to Dr. Revenue - top line results. |
Print Media-Public Relations Office:
(805)496-8850 Fax: (805)374-9167
Home: (805)374-8734
E-Mail: tradepress@earthlink.net
Homepage: http://www.tradepressservices.com |
Knilans, Gerri
Trade Press Services
2854 Sapra Street
Thousand Oaks, CA 91362 |
PROFILE: Trade Press Services develops and places
feature articles for clients in business trade publications. The program generates
increases in sales, prospects, industry credibility & visibility for our clients. |
Turnarounds-Reengineering Office:
(310)477-8990 Fax: (310)477-8402
Home: (818)701-5214
E-Mail: ShrwdPtnrs@Shrwood.com
Homepage: http://shrwood.com |
Ross, Harvey
Sherwood Partners Inc.
1849 Sawtelle Blvd., Suite 543
Los Angeles, CA 90025 |
PROFILE: Sherwood Partners are results oriented
seasoned business professions specializing in providing operational, financial and
information systems solutions to middle market companies. |
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Executive Recruiting
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Financial Services
Business Valuations-Appraisals-Assets
Office: (818) 991-4150 v/m 105
Fax: (818) 991-4904
Home: (805) 495-1232
Pager: (818) 819-6340
Group: Wstlk - MD All Groups
Home Page: http://png.org/mentorgrp
E-Mail: mentorgp@pacbell.net |
Blaine, Davis R.
The Mentor Group
4333 Park Terrace Drive, Suite 200
Westlake Village, CA, 91361 |
PROFILE: Preeminent valuations and appraisals. Full
service national firm. Unique focus on client needs and ongoing communication of
engagement progress. Senior professionals whom also provide expert testimony. Timely
delivery. Cost effective. |
Cash Flow Office: (508)
Fax: (508) 429-8215
E-Mail: nadtoo@aol.com |
Daniels, Nancy A.
Beacon Funding Group
69 Robin Hill Rd
Holliston, MA 01746 |
Profile: Beacon Funding Group provides financing for
the small business community ($1 M to $25M in annual sales) through the sale of their
accounts receivable, business notes, contracts, etc. Also purchases Lottery Winnings,
Structured Settlements, Commercial and Private Real Estate Notes. Call for FREE
Liquidation's-Turnarounds Office:
(310)477-8990 Fax: (310)477-8402
E-Mail: ShrwdPtnrs@Shrwood.com
Homepage: http://shrwood.com |
Maidy, Michael A.
Sherwood Partners Inc.
1849 Sawtell Blvd., Suite 543
Los Angeles, CA 90025 |
PROFILE: Corporate Reorganization, Reengineering,
Workouts, Crisis Management, Asset Liquidation, Court Appointed Receiver, Debt
Restructuring, Refinancing. |
Mergers & Acquisitions Office: (818)906-9800 Fax: (818)906-3078
E-Mail: GGInvbnkr@aol.com |
Gregory, Gordon [Managing Director]
The Gregory Group
15450 Ventura Blvd., Suite 204
Sherman Oaks, CA 91403
PROFILE: The Gregory Group is an Investment Banking
& Financial Advisory Firm serving middle market companies and their owners,
specializing in the sale of companies, Mergers & Acquisitions, Joint Ventures and
Debt/Equity Financing. |
Workouts Office:
(310)477-8990 Fax: (310)477-8402
E-Mail: ShrwdPtnrs@Shrwood.com
Homepage: http://shrwood.com |
Weinstein, Bruce
Sherwood Partners Inc.
1849 Sawtelle Blvd., Suite 543
Los Angeles, CA 90025 |
PROFILE: Corporate Reorganization, Reengineering,
Workouts, Crisis Management, Asset Liquidation, Court Appointed Receiver, Debt
Restructuring, Refinancing. |
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Life-Disability Office:
(818)380-1000 Fax: (818)789-9077
E-Mail: jokabaker@sakinsur.com
Homepage: http://sakinsur.com |
Kabaker, Joel
Principal, MBA, CLU
Simon Altman & Kabaker, Inc.
15315 Magnolia Blvd., Suite 100
Post Office Box 56058
Sherman Oaks, CA 91413 |
PROFILE: Keeping the governments hands off your
family's wealth is our expertise. We combine cutting edge technology with Traditional
values. Joel provides a business owner's outlook at solving financial challenges. |
Life-Disability-Benefits Office:
(818)380-1000 Fax: (818)789-9077
Email: SAKinsur@SAKinsur.com
Homepage: http://sakinsur.com |
Altman, Michael B.
Vice President, CLU, CLFC
Simon Altman & Kabaker Inc.
15315 Magnolia Blvd., Suite 100
Post Office Box 56058
Sherman Oaks, CA 91413 |
PROFILE: Michael Altman's emphasis is on pragmatic
approaches to solving business, personal and community problems. He is particularly good
at "big picture" planning and then establishing realistic implementation of
those plans. |
Life-Disability-Employment Benefit Office: (818)380-1000 Fax: (818)789-9077
Email: SAKinsur@SAKinsur.com
Homepage: http://sakinsur.com |
Simon, Jerome
Simon Altman & Kabaker Inc.
15315 Magnolia Blvd., Suite 100
Post Office Box 56058
Sherman Oaks, CA 91413 |
PROFILE: With 30 years experience, Jerry Simon has a
national reputation in the areas of executive compensation and business succession
planning. Clients identify his technical competence and low key approach. |
Life-Disability-Litigation Office:
(213) 852-8001 Fax: (213) 782-0785
Group: SM2
E-Mail: dan@insurancepros.com
Web Page: http://www.insurancepros.com |
Silverman, Daniel
Family & Business Ins. Planners Inc.
8484 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 400
Beverly Hills, CA 90211 |
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Real Estate
Office: 781-961-5922 Fax: 781-961-5929
E-Mail: March@gis.net
Homepage: http://www.gis.net/march |
Kaufmann, Jack
March Enterprises
7 Holly Ln
Randolph, MA 02368 |
Profile: We are involved in providing commercial real
estate financing, equity raising, joint ventures, developmental capital and investment
opportunities to real estate developers and investors. We work with several creative,
non-conventional lenders and equity providers. If you are having trouble or have an
unusual deal, perhaps we should talk. |
Hotel Asset Management
Office: (310)476-0824 Fax: (310)471-8196
Home: (310)476-0824
E-Mail: RBCOLBERT@aol.com
Homepage: http://png.org/colbert |
Colbert, R. Britton
President, CHA
Colbert & Associates
2137 Banyan Drive
Los Angeles, CA 90049-1801 |
PROFILE: Colbert & Associates specialize in hotel
owner representation and financing. Multi-unit responsibilities include daily operations
and cash flow distribution. Export witness includes plaintiff-defense as well as
owner-operator experience. |
Return to Index

Other Services & Professions
Administrative Support E-Mail:
Homepage: http://home.aol.com/AChap54 |
Chaput, Alan
PROFILE: Consult on centralized admin support centers,
virtual offices & self managed teams |
Credit/Collections Office:
(408)295-7085; Fax: (408)295-7077
E-Mail: gail@collectal.com
Homepage: http://www.collectall.com |
Cullen, Gail
Collectal Associates
1111 Willow Street
San Jose, CA 95125 |
Custom video services Office:
817-491-4505 Fax: 817-491-4903
E-Mail: cam4hire@flash.net
Homepage: www.flash.net/~cam4hire
Wooten, Tom & Sally
Wooten Productions, Camera For Hire
300 Darrell Rd.
Roanoke, Tx. 76262 |
Profile: A complete custom video service,doing all
production work for public access channel 10 in Roanoke and surrounding towns and serving
the Dallas / Fort Worth area any kind of videos anywhere. |
Italian food/gourmet pan
pizza/catering Office: 201-667-4414 Fax: 201-667-9031
Homepage: http://members.aol.com/cabrinas
E-Mail: cabrinas@aol.com
Profession: Other Services & Professions |
Bacchetta, Cabrina
Cabrina's Fine Italian Food
307 Bloomfield Ave.
Nutley, NJ 07110 |
Profile: Cabrina's Fine Italian food is prepared fresh
to order using the finest ingredients. We offer free delivery to local area, take out
orders, or eat in service. We have a wide variety of Daily Specials. Catering for any
occasion. |
Internet Communications Office: 603.529.0433 Fax: 603.529.0433
E-Mail: networx@unidial.com
Homepage: http://www.unidial.com |
Ackerman, Gary
Unidial NetWorx
PO Box 668
Goffstown, New Hampshire 03045-0668 |
Profile: We have the largest backbone to the Internet.
We are the largest ISP in the United States. We are the 4th largest communications company
in the world...(WorldCom) |
Moisture Separation - Cooling Towers Office: 92 42 588 2889 / 92 42 586 7947 Fax: 92 42 586 7446
Home: 92 42 576 3705
E-Mail: intrstat@lhr.comsats.net.pk |
Malik, Riaz
Interstate Engineering Ltd.
62-J, Gulberg III, P.O. Box 3331
Lahore, Punjab 54660 |
PROFILE: The company is in business since 1980.
It is involved in designing, fabrication, erection, installation, commissioning,
maintenance of equipment for process industries. Specializes in COOLING TOWERS [designing,
manufacturing & supply][closed circuit]. Representatives of ACS Industries Inc.,
Texas, for their SEPARATIONS TECHNOLOGY DIVISION, in PAKISTAN. ACS Inc., provides full
line of Separation Equipment.i.e. Liquid-Liquid Coalescing Separators, Oil-Water
Separators, Knitted Mesh Mist Eliminators, Cheveron Vane Mist Eliminators, MIST MASTER II
Mist Eliminators, Structured & Random Packing, Tower Trays & Internals,
Fractionation Trays, Cellular Glass Insulation. |
Motivational Speaker Office:
(310) 209-1993
E-Mail: Leslie@DrReisner.com |
Reisner, Leslie C., PhD.
116 North Robertson Blvd., Suite 501
Los Angeles, California 90048 |
Resume & Secretarial E-Mail:
MHann20957@aol.com |
Hannahs, Mary P. Expert Resume &
Secretarial Service |
Profile: Professionally Written Resumes and Cover
Letters |
Web site design
Office: 703 620 6287
Home: 703 620 6287
E-Mail: kronzr@mindspring.com
Homepage: AplusMall.com |
Kronz, Ronald
kxix.com, Inc.
12413 Alexander Cornell Dr.
Fairfax, VA 22033-2415 |
Profile: Economical help for small businesses getting
started on the internet. Advertising, site design and programming, hosting. Can include
animated GIFs, Javascript, Java, simple databases, online ordering & credit card
processing. |
Writing/Education Office:
(505) 763-5685 Fax: (505) 763-4330
Home: (505) 763-5685
E-Mail: amlit@etsc.net |
Lee, James, Ph.D.
American Literary Service
15 Buffalo Road
Clovis, NM 88101-9420 |
Profile: Expert resumes. Term papers and theses.
Tutoring. Editorial services for writers. "Ghost" writing. Author
representation. Personally, Dr. Lee also does postsecondary school consulting specializing
in instructional quality, curriculum development and accreditation. |
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